Analog Racks Volume 1 - Walk-Thru Video

Do you use the sounds that come with Ableton Live Suite? 

I'm a believer in using the right tools for the job, but I also believe we need to take advantage of what we have and do what we can to resist gear lust if we're going to get anything done in the studio. Analog Racks Volume 1 is a way for you to get more out of the tools that come with Ableton Live Suite. 

In this video, I walk through 10 sounds that are included with Analog Racks Volume 1, you can hear the sounds in action, and you'll see how the macro knobs affect various sounds. Since posting this video, I've added 5 additional racks to Analog Racks bringing the total number of instrument racks included with Analog Racks Volume 1 to 15. 

Analog Racks Vol. 1 includes 15 synth racks using strictly native Ableton Live effects and Analog instrument devices. Each rack contains useful macros for hands-on performance and streamlined production use and one or more instances of the Analog synth engine device.

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